Friday, September 26, 2008

Way off Points!

So today did not quite go as planned.  I hardly ate anything I intended to eat.  The day began alright.  I think it all went downhill when I splurged and had a pumpkin spice latte no whip.  I usually get non-fat, but I decided that I would get regular today.  I only got a tall, so I didn't think it would be a big deal.  I knew I would look up the points value when I got home and work it into my day.  Points value = 6!  What!  It was only a tall!  

But really, before my latte I had a bun with the hotdog in the middle.  Someone at work brought in all these pastries and I gave in and chose that one.  I wasn't sure how many points that was, so I estimated and said 6, because of the size.  The rest of the day I was good at work.  But then I came home and didn't feel like what I planned on having.  So I ate some fish.  Then 2 slices of bread and some cheese.  And I find cheese really hard to estimate for points.  I know you are supposed to go by the size and thickness of your thumb, but who can only have one slice of cheese the size of your thumb and stop?!?!?!  Not me!!  So I estimated I ate 10 points worth of cheese.  And that was a conservative estimate.  And then I proceeded to washed that down with a muffin.  By the end of that eating session, I tallied up my points, and I went over my points by 24!!  You heard me right...24!  Needless to say, it will be a tough week!  Ha!

But at least I have the flex points to use and I typically go crazy on the weekend, because I feel I am entitled and I can.  I will just have  to be careful for the rest of the weekend to ensure I don't go over.

Plan for tomorrow:

1/2 cup cottage cheese - 2 pts
Apple - 2pts
Tea - 0 pts
2 glasses of water

1 cup yogurt - 2pts
2 glasses of water

Salad - 0pts
Egg - 2 pts
2 glasses of water

Banana - 2pts
Tall non-fat Latte - 3 pts
2 glasses of water

Chicken - 4pts
1/2 cup corn - 1pt
Brocoli - 0pts
1/2 cup rice - 2pts
2 glasses of water

Snack be determined... - 2pts

I am also planning on going to the gym tomorrow and earning 2-3 activity points.  If for some reason I do not make it to the gym then I will not have a snack after dinner, to ensure I stay on points, or I will scrap the latte.  But I think I will want that, so I need to go to the gym.  And I will.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a good plan for tomorrow!

That reminds me -- PastaQueen talked about mixing canned pumpkin with Cool Whip Free and it being tasty and low cal. Might have to try that. Cool Whip Free has a hospital/band-aid aftertaste to me, so if it can mask that and taste like pumpkins, cool!