Friday, September 5, 2008

Re-Focusing for the new year!

Well I sort of feel as if I have come to a stand still with my weight-loss.  Although I am extremely happy that I have not gained a large amount of weight over the summer, I am definately not happy that I haven't lost any weight.  I know I could have worked harder over the summer and not given into as much temptation, and that would have caused me to actually lose more weight.  But September is an interesting time of year.  People go back to school, routines re-form and it's almost like a brand new year.  So I have made the decision that I will do my new years resolutions now.  Why wait until January?  No need!

I really thought long and hard about what I need to do in order to re-focus and achieve my weight-loss goals.  Although I didn't weigh-in this week, the week before I was down to 139.6.  My lowest weight to date on WW has been 139.4, so I am almost back there!  My next mini goals is to be 137.4.  That would mean I will have lost 25 pounds!  Currently I have lost 22.8.  It's hard to imagine that I have lost that much.  Some days it seems as if it is nothing, and other days I tell myself that I have lost over 20 pounds...and that is damn good!  I need to start rewarding myself and not being so hard on myself when I have weeks that don't go so well.  I need to remember that this is a journey, and it's hard, and my weight will be a lifelong journey, even once I achieve my goal.

 So the tools I need to re-focus are this:

1)  Water.  Drinking 8 glasses of water a day.  This is something I have struggled with since joining WW, and I don't know why.  I like the taste of water, and I am often dehydrated (clearly my body is trying to tell me something).  And yet I struggle with getting in 8 glasses each day.  So this is my big commitment at the moment.  Hence the picture.

2)  Journalling.  I need to track my points more carefully.  I have found lately, that I don't always count my points.  I estimate servings and point values, and then I wonder why I don't lose more!  And I eat a piece of candy here and there, and don't count it.  So no more of that.  I want to be at a healthier weight for me and if it means writing down everything I eat and points values, then I have to do it.  There are people who have lost tons of pounds, and gotten down to their goal weight.  And I know I can do the same.  

3)  The gym.  The gym and I have not been friends lately.  By the time I get home from work, I'm tired and I make an excuse not to go.  I did go last night, and it was hard.  I forgot.  But I felt much better about myself, and I haven't sleep very well all summer, and last night I had a fabulous sleep!  And I think it was from the gym.  Maybe it wasn't.  But I'm going to say it was.  So my goal is to go 3 times a week.  I would love to go more, and if I do, then good for me!  But I can't make unrealistic goals.  So I am hoping to go again tomorrow and Sunday, and possibly Tuesday or Wednesday.  

So these are what I am going to focus on.  I will be in my healthy weight-range one day.

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