Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Why do I do this to myself?!?!?

I don't know what my problem has been lately.  I have been feeling really unmotivated.  Unmotivated to go to the gym, to eat healthy, to blog and to read others blogs.  I don't know what it is from...but it needs to stop!

Today I had one candy, why?  Did it really taste that good?  No!  Why did I waste points on that!  But then after I ate it, I said in my head, well I already know this week is going to be a bad weigh-in, because my eating/tracking has been out of control, so I may as well have another piece of candy!  The same damn candy that really was not very good!  But did I stop at one more piece...of course not.  I don't know how many pieces I had.  5, 6, 7, 8.  I lost track.  I don't know why I do that to myself.  Why do I let all my hard work go to hell for nothing!  I am frustrated with myself.

I know all I can do is take it one day at a time.  I know I will need to face that scale tomorrow night, and it will not be pretty.  I weighed myself tonight, and I have a gain thus far.  So I am expecting it, but I am really just disappointed with myself that I would let all the hard work go.  Starting now I am committed to staying on points, drinking my water, and going to the gym.  I can only do the best I can do, and I want to do my best.  I have felt tired, and heavy these last few days and I think it is because of the food I am eating.  So I know my body is rebelling against my old food habits and I need to have a healthy body for me.


Goal Digger said...

I felt exactly the same last week. Tired, heavy, and like eating everything in sight. I find that once I give in a little I lose control. I have a bad all or nothing attitude that has proven to be a huge problem when I slip up. I can't even count how many times I've started over - the games our mind's play suck! Hopefully you're weigh in tomorrow won't be too painful... and then you can go forward from there! Don't give up - you've come so far already :)

Lisa said...

i heard a great line in my w.w. meeting last night..

You can look back and see what you could have done differently. That's easy. Now look again and decide what you CAN do differently. Right now.

No giving up!!! (jillian voice!)