Thursday, September 25, 2008

Drumroll Please...

Weigh-in Results: -2.2

I am super excited!!  I was a little worried about this weigh-in, since I went a little over points.  But I managed to get my workout in yesterday (and thanks for the comments reminding me that I need to get my butt to the gym!)  AND...I set a goal for myself that once I hit my 137 pounds mark, I would get to buy a new shirt or two, and I hit that goal tonight.  So I get to go shopping on Saturday.  

My food plan for tomorrow is as follows:

1/2 cottage cheese - 2 pts
Apple - 2 pts
Coffee - 2pts
2 glasses of water

1 cup yogurt - 2 pts
2 glasses of water

Salad - 0pts
1/2 cup tuna - 3 pts
Balsamic Vinegar - 0pts
2 glasses of water

1 cup yogurt - 2 pts
Tea - 0pts
2 glasses of water

1/2 cup rice - 2 pts
1/2 cup corn - 1pt
Fish - 3 pts
Tea - 0pts
2 glasses of water

Lets hope I can stick to it.  Actually let me re-phrase that.  I know I can stick to this plan!

1 comment:

Fatinah said...

way to go - what an awesome weigh in!