Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Up and Down

The past few weeks I have not been feeling good.  I've been sick, not happy with work, unsure of what direction to go in my life, been sad about my break-up which occurred 6 months ago and I have just not been happy in general.  I know my mood has effected all areas of my life, from work and friendships, to my eating habits and workout routine.  I haven't been tracking, I haven't been drinking enough water, I haven't been exercising.  I just sort of felt that I really didn't want to deal with anything.

Then on Saturday, I decided to organize my room.  I threw out things I no longer needed, gave away clothes that no longer fit (YAY!) and was able to put away pieces of my past so to speak.  Since then I have felt like an entirely new person.  I am happy at work, happy at home, happy with my weight and really wanting to commit to this journey again.  I know this feeling won't last forever, so I need to cherish and take advantage of it when I can.  But I am just feeling really optimistic and positive today.  As I was giving away clothes that no longer fit, and trying on clothes that used to be too small, I thought I really can do this.  I really can be healthy.  I feel I am entering a new era in my life and I am so excited to see where it takes me.  I don't know what will happen at my weigh-in on Thursday; I may lose, I may gain.  I hope to lose as I want that scale to continue to go down.  But with the way I am feeling today, even if it was a gain it would be okay.  I can only do my best and if I give it 100% then that is all I can ask of myself.  So I am going to give it my very best, and if I do that, then I will succeed.

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