Sunday, November 23, 2008

One year later...

Lately, I have not felt like blogging, or reading blogs, or exercising, or doing anything.  I think it has something to do with the fact that I am sick.  I took today off from work because I was feeling miserable yesterday and this morning when I woke up I felt no better.  I feel like I have a head cold and my brain is cloudy and unable to function.  Not good.  But I am beginning to feel a little better with all the rest today.  But I don't know what my rut is about in terms of lack of exercising and blogging.  I figure maybe I just need to take a little time for myself and get things done that need to be done (aka: Christmas cards, grad school application, organizing closet).  Hopefully I will get back on track.  I am still tracking what I am eating and trying to get my 8 glasses of water in.  My gym pass has expired but this weekend I am going to go and renew it and I think that will make me feel better and hold me more accountable.  I know this is just a phase that I have experienced before and I am sure I will experience again in this journey and I just have to acknowledge it and move forward.

In other news, November 21, 2007, I began my weight watchers journey.  I imagined what I would look like a year later, I would be either at my goal weight, or at least in my healthy weight range.  And although I am neither of those yet, I am still 26 pounds smaller than I was one year ago!  And that is amazing to me, I don't know if I ever truly believed that I could lose weight and keep it off.  I have had lots of ups and downs this year, both on and off the scale, but I am still doing it, I haven't given up.  I am ready to enter the next year of my life, equally dedicated to a healthy lifestyle, and weight-loss.

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