Friday, December 19, 2008

Not a normal weigh-in

So Thursday's are my normal weigh-in day.  However; yesterday I left work at about 11am because I was not feeling well and I basically was sick and sleeping the entire day.  So I have missed my weigh-in.  I am not feeling much better today, so I am still at home and I don't know if I will be up for going to a meeting tomorrow morning.  I was quite upset about this as I know I was going to have a good weigh-in!  I had kept on track all week, tracking, enough liquids if we are no longer counting water!  So I was very excited.  I decided to weigh myself in at home, which I know is not accurate as the WW scale, plus, since I have been sick I thought some weight loss may be from that.  In order to be safe I decided to add 2 pounds to my total just to be safe.  And the result...down 1.2 pounds!  135.2  Actually my scale said 133.2 (the lowest I have seen in forever!)  So I am quite excited.  This upcoming week I know will be difficult to maintain, but hopefully I will have a stay the same.  I am feeling very on plan and on track lately.  I really think this new momentum plan has been the kick start I need to get back on track!

1 comment:

Angela Power said...

Hey Fiona and that is why you're our #3 chart topper this week!!! Congratulations!!!!