Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Home from vaca with a little gain!

Holy it has been a long time!

Well I have been super busy with work, and I was getting organized for my trip to Ontario.  So I just returned on Monday, and I knew that today's weigh-in wasn't going to be pretty.  After all I drank 3 out of 4 nights this week, ate way too much good food, didn't drink enough water, didn't go to the gym at all, and hardly had any vegetables!  So today when I weighed in at 141.4, which was a 2 pound gain, I was actually quite happy with that.  My original goal before going away was to maintain my weight, but once I got there, I threw that goal out the window.  Although I am getting a little scared for heading down to Mississippi, where I will be for 10 days.  That again will be lots of good food, drinking etc.  But I have decided to really make a conscious effort and make sure I have lots of water and veggies while I am down there.

But since I have been home, I have not been motivated to go to the gym.  Yesterday I got home from work past 730pm, so I was quite tired.  And today after my meetings I decided I didn't really want to go.  So hopefully I will be more motivated tomorrow night.  I think I will just take my gym clothes with me tomorrow to work, so then I will have no excuse.  

The funny thing is, while I was away, I kinda missed my normal food.  Now don't get me wrong, everything I had was wonderful, but sometimes I missed just my simple salads, and cottage cheese.  It makes my body feel not as heavy somehow.  Which is kinda neat to realize how much my eating habits have changed and to know that I like my healthy food now!  That really is the key to eating healthy, to like it.  So here I go.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Running Club

So back in April, I walked the Sun Run, a 10km walk.  It was fine, I had blisters at the end, but overall, it was a fine walk.  But during the walk, a friend mentioned the idea of starting a running club at work.  She also wanted the goal to be to run a 
HALF MARATHON NEXT YEAR!  So I laughed quite hard, realized she was serious, and then proceeded to laugh some more.  But the more we talked about it, and the more I thought about it, I decided that this is something I need to do.  I certainly have no goal of a half maranthon, but I would like to be able to run in general, maybe a 5 or 10km.  I have always hated running, but I thought this is a good opportunity to challenge myself.

So we have a book to follow which is designed for people who don't run.  Each session is different, but the goal is to run 3 times a week, and each week you run a little farther.  I believe after 14 weeks the hope is that you can run for about an hour straight.  So session 1, of week 1 is this:

Step 1:  5 minute walking warm up
Step 2:  1 min run
Step 3:  2 min walk (it actually might be a 3 min walk, but I don't have the book in front of me)
Step 4:  Repeat steps 2 and 3, 8 times.
Step 5: 5 minute walking cool down

So you look at that and think "Run for one minute...I can easily do that!  After all, I do go to the gym."

Tonight I decided I wanted to try this out, we are not having our first real running session until Thursday, but I thought it would be good just to get a head start and see where I am.  There were a few problems to begin with.  Such as: it was getting dark outside, and when I say dark, I do mean it.  I began this at about 10pm.  Mental note, next time begin earlier.  Another problem.  I drove to the track I ran on.  So I needed to carry my car key in my hand while running.  Also, I do not have a watch, so I used my ipod to time myself.  So a few issues that will need to be worked out, but in the end those were really not my biggest problems.  

The biggest is damn hard!  5 minute warm up - EASY!  Run 1 minute - HARD!  Walk 2 minutes - EASY!  Run 1 minute - HARD!  At a few points I felt my lungs would collapse.  In the end, I was only about to repeat steps 2 and 3 4 times, not the 8 times.  So clearly this running club will not be as easy as I thought it would be.  

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


It has finally happened!!  I have broken the 140's.  I feel I have been in the 140's forever.  Particularly between 141-143.  But tonight at my weigh-in I was 139.8!!  Sure that is very close to the 140's, but you know what.  It was in the 130's, and I am damn happy!

Lately, this weight-loss has been hard, really hard.  I just need to keep reminding myself that I am eating healthy, I am working out, and I am dealing with my emotions in a healthy way.  No more eating an entire tub of ice cream because Jay and I broke up.  Every week I don't always see the numbers I want, but I know that this is going to be a lifelong journey, even once I am at my goal.  It's not easy, but I can do it.

And by breaking into the 130's, I really feel motivated.  I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.  I would love to weight between 115-120.  That would be my ideal.  But right now, I am only 12 pounds away from my healthy weight range.  12 pounds!  That seems so doable.  Although I know that these 12 pounds will not be easy to lose, it will continue to be hard, and I will continue to have good days and bad days, but I know I can do it.  I know that I can continue to eat healthy, workout, and find alternatives for food when I am emotionally eating.  I just am really, really happy to finally start to feel that my life is in some sort of control.  I can control my weight.  That is something I have never been able to say.

At the weightwatchers meeting tonight, we talked about goals for the summer.  Summers are hard times with vacation, weddings, bbq's, events.  So I have had to really think about my goals, and what is realistic, due to the fact that I will be away on vacation, I have 5 weddings to attend, and my work has a potluck sometimes once a week!  I have decided to split my goals into mini goals, by each month so it is a little easier.

I will be in Toronto for 5 days, so my goal is at the end of June to weigh 138.  Really anywhere in the 138 range.  I am hoping to weigh in at that before leaving for Toronto, and then when returning that I will have maintained my weight.  I weigh in only 2 days after returning, and that is the last weigh in for June, so I need to be realistic.  I will be at a wedding, and seeing friends I haven't seen in 3 years.  I will drink, I will eat, and I will not feel guilty.  So June goal here I come!